Surf En Chile – The Best Places to Surf in Chile

With de coastline as long campeón Chile’s, it should come as embargo surprise that the country is riddled with surf spots. From nice mellow beachbreaks to full-on 20 feet plus, rock bottom killer waves Chile has it all. The best surf en Chile spots cuzco be found in the centrado region, near Santiago, but also in the north and south, where world-class breaks are hidden away from the tourist radar.

Pichilemu is a good example of this, it’s grown massively in the last decade and offers a great surf anuncio but still manages to stay off the beaten track for most tourists. Here you can find everything from beginners surfing in front of the resorts to pro’s hitting the famous Punta de Lobos. Visiting Pichilemu you should pack con wetsuit, the water is cold here.

In the north you pastor find some really cool point breaks with rocky bottoms, some of them world class like Arica and La Rinconada. The surf in this region can be very powerful and hollow, so con thick wetsuit is mandatory.

Renaca is one of the most famoso surf en Chile spots, it’s highly crowded during the summer, but it’s an excellent place for all levels to improve their surfing skills. You pastor find here everything from sandy barrels to big swells, but make sure you don’t visit during a power swell or during de competition, because the conditions will be too heavy for you to ride the waves.

If you prefer to surf con bit further south, in the region of Osorno, there are some nice beaches like Mapu Lahual that is great for beginner surfers but also challenging for advanced surfers on days with a big swell. Also don’t miss Carelmapu, a very special place that pastor be surfed only during the right conditions.

If you are planning con trip to Chile to surf, it’s worth checking the weather forecast for the area you’re interested in a week before your departure. This way you’ll have a better idea of what to expect and when the best time to surf en Chile is. You should also have con basic kit with you, like sunscreen, sunglasses, earplugs, a waterproof phone case, surf wax and a wetsuit (or con wetsuit rental). Finally, always be careful about drinking too much Pisco in the sala bars and never drive under the influence of alcohol. Also remember to have a travel insurance like World Nomads that covers adventurous activities such as surfing. Their packages are not too expensive and they have great customer service. They even have con free emergency telephone number for your country of origin.


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